The T-shirts were turned up to Purple.
Myself JD Crowe, John Archibald, and others who did not deserve such treatment, got dunked in a giant container of water — and that was after the main event.
At least 20 teams clashed on the basketball courts at UAB Rec Center fSaturday for the annual Mike Madnss basketball tournament to raise awareness — and money — for the little known and misunderstood disease Lewy body dementia. And we had a raucous crew at Trim Tab Brewing where I made a foolish attempt to moonwalk in my socks on a concrete floor while Karaoke-eying to MJ.
WIthout a doubt, it was the best Madness yet. The first year we raked in $13,000; last year, $12,000 — and we are still tallying but expect to pass each of those years. My ambitious moonshot goal of doublingup at $25,000,however, is likely out of the realm. Money will go to research at UAB and the Lewy Body Dementia Association.
Stay tuned for more numbers, team winners and more in social media, ALcom and this website: www.myvinylcountdown.com
So many thank yous to all who helped and contributed — which you can still do at www.mikemadness.org