Musings about the end of my vinyl countdown

The headline is a little on the click-bait side. I’m not going anywhere. I’m not shutting down this blog or my website

But I am giving everyone a heads- up that I will within the next seven days publish the last three reviews of my vinyl record collection.

I counted 678 records when I began the blog in 2017 after getting the diagnosis that I had Lewy body dementia. Right now I am at 675. The blog was a way for me to spread awareness of the disease, which has no cure and its cause is unknown.

Likely I will write a story highlighting the best-of or most popular posts and other things I learned.

But raising awareness wasn’t the only benefit.

Spoiler alert: I will proclaim and explain my belief that without this blog, I would either be deceased or in much worse condition than I am now.

To say the blog has been therapeutic is a big understatement.

More soon.

6 Replies to “Musings about the end of my vinyl countdown”

  1. I was happy to read today’s column, Mike. Glad you put ol’ Red John in his place. What a bugger! Also tickled to see the countdown end on the greatest album by one of my Top 5 favorite bands of all time. I was mistaken for ZZ Top’s drummer at one of their shows several years ago, but that’s another story. Well done, Mike. You’re gonna be a fantastic Grandaddy.

    1. Great to hear from you JD, glad it ended on a good one for you — zztop’s tore it up, esp on that album. Meanwhile I still have DP on heavy rotation.

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