My Vinyl Countdown Numbers

I’m counting my 678 records down and reviewing them one by one, racing the progression of my disease, Lewy Body dementia.

As I finished off the B’s (finally) this weekend, I thought I’d give a brief update on the numbers.

I have reviewed, by my own uncertain tally, 71 albums. That means 607 to go.

My total post number is 82.  Some of those posts were not ‘countdown’ reviews but intermissions, interjections or just my impressions. (It’s all right to have a good time, it’s all right). Oops. Diversion.

Yes, the B’s were a long haul.

Headed toward my vinyl countdown

Of the 71 albums reviewed, 12 were A’s. I counted. That means there were 59 B’s. Wonder why so many B’s and so few A’s; maybe it starts with the influence of the Beatles. Only to be followed by Beat Farmers, Bongos and Bread.

So, 71 albums reviewed since Sept. 16 when I posted my first two reviews, King Sunny Ade and Aerosmith.  Back of the napkin math, I’m knocking out about  20 albums a month or 5 albums per week. (Remember this is on top of some of my other essay  attempts.For example, this post will not count as a review toward my countdown.)

So at 20 albums a month that means I’ll need about 30 more months to get to Zappa or Zevon or Zzzzzz, whomever may be waiting. I am going alphabetically by artist, realizing (now) that ultimately leaves us  in the end with a Z to A listing on the blog. Oh well, things are a little upside down anyway.

So let’s see what we see in  the C’s. I see perhaps some CCR, some CSNY,  , ample EC, and some more obscure  ones you never even heard of like Crack the Sky or Lee Clayton. But guess what, there is likely going to be a song or album or artist  on this blog that (eventually) may deliver the soundtrack of your life. That’s how much I believe in the power of music.

Brett L.

Speaking of such an album or at least a contender for being one of my favorite artists. I’m going to drop an ‘A’ album review here soon.  The  A artist, Joseph Arthur, and this unusual vinyl 2007 record called Temporary People, was misfiled. I rummage through my records quite a bit and sometimes do that. So it’s catch up time on My VInyl Countdown. The ‘new’ vinyl record given to me several years ago by my daughter Hannah and her husband Tom, who knew my fondness for Arthur. Hannah and I actually went to see him in San Francisco at the Bottom of the Hill. Before that my wife Catherine and I saw him in downtown SF, at the Great American  Music Hall, from a table at the front.

So stay tuned for that post. Meanwhile, check out this Arthur song from his earliest days as  the former Ohio native and Atlanta record store clerk does one of his early songs, which was  resurrected by Martin, the Coldplay guy, Stipe, the REM guy and Arthur to raise money for Hurricane Katrina victims.

More later.