History of hurricanes and hisicanes (part 5)

SCENE: Shaking off the effects of the drugging, Prosby learns a little more about what his captors want.

The frightening grinding gears noise he heard before he lost consciousness reminded him of Lou Reed’s vintage 1970s ‘Metal Machine Music,’ which was named the top album of all time during the Sinking Years in the 2200’s.

Prosby preferred other Lou Reed music, but then he never seemed to correlate with community tastes or standards. The music was inside his head anyway, the result of the rather harsh drug his water had been laced with.

He was  now waking up in the back of some kind of truck, hand and feet bound.

“I’m sorry Mr. Prosby, our water has quite  a kick, don’t you think.

It was Neon Lady again. Jim Prosby was starting to get angry, a very unusual emotion for him. Not that he didn’t  have anger. It was just corralled for use when needed.

Jumpsuit woman’s name was Dani and she said she would explain his mission. That it involved going to Orlando and bringing back Burnees

Prosby sat up straight. He knew Burnees. In fact he knew her well. He hadn’t seen her in years. He had been searching for her for years. She was once (and maybe still is) the love of his life. He just never understood why she went away. Sounds like he was about to get a step closer to finding out.

(To be continued … )