Daily Journal, June 20, 2019, One Brain and a song edition

I was invited to speak this morning at an Alzheimer’s lecture series in Birmingham sponsored by the Alzheimer’s Foundation of America. It went well.

I was pleased to be invited but I didn’t want to ‘lecture’ in the negative meaning of that word. I told my story of diagnosis. I talked about my decision to ‘come out’ in my early stages and told them I believe I can be an advocate as a writer describing what I am going through for as long as my illness allows me .

I also touched on the lack of awareness people have on the subject of Lewy body dementia.

Well, I believe I heard them say that they would help promote MikeMadness. That’s a great start. We may be different diseases but we are all one brain. (Um I think I should work on that phrase a little.)

Still room for more teams in the hoops tournament for Lewy bod dementia awareness and research. See www.mikemadness.org