Rubber Rodeo — 229

ALBUMS: Rubber Radio (EP) )1982

MVC Rating 3.0/$$, (1982)

I will say this, thousands and thousnds upon thousands of inexplicable rock star names are out there and this is one that I can’t even scrape up a guess.

Rubber Radio is this one one , which debuted with ‘Rubber Rodeo in 1981.

Hmm. is there a Plastic Playgrounds?

Belushi and Dan Akroyd popularized an old soul 1950s hit –‘Rubber Biscuits,’ –and of course there was Birmingham singer Eddie Kendricks known for his hit record , ‘Rubber Band Man.’

Rubber Rodeo, on the other hand came out as a New Wave cow-punk band that was sweeping, nation, well maybe dustbrooming .the nation.

Despite some good press and a couple or so albums, they never bounced back.

Bounced back? From what? Well I was making a little joke there, but if you must know, rubber head, in the cow punk genre they just weren’t as good as Jason and Scorchers, Rank and File, Danny and Dusty and, got to mention some of X’s work..

And they were from Boston.

One Reply to “Rubber Rodeo — 229”

  1. The old View Master 3-D viewer brings back memories. But I was never able to get a date using one.

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