Counting white, black and gray cars

I look outside my front window many days and watch the Moms and Dads drive by in succession, just having picked up their young’ns at the day care in a church down the road.

As I watch, I become thoroughly convinced that this day care requires parents to have cars that are colors white, black or gray — big late model vehicles big like the Chevy Suburban or the Nissan Armada or the Ford Exhibition.

I don’t know this is a requirement for sure. But something has to explain the phenomenon.

Of the two dozen or more cars I saw, today, I’d say 95 percent were one of those colors. I didn’t see a red car, or a green car or a yellow car.

The only variation I could see were the few cars with shades of gray that almost looked blue or brown.

My wife, Catherine, had a succession of three red cars over a period of a couple decades. Said the red ones are easier to find in the parking lot.

Outside our house sits a Honda CRV. It is tan (maybe just a tinge brown). No matter the color, it is our favorite car ever. It was given to Catherine and me to help in our Lewy body dementia fight by our wonderful friends in Florida, Ivor and Mary Scott Singer.

One Reply to “Counting white, black and gray cars”

  1. When home appliances come back in avocado green, harvest gold and coppertone brown then the colorful cars will come back too. There is nothing new under the sun.

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