The proud boy

“Daddy,” said the boy pointing to the television. “Why are all the people at the Capitol building hitting and kicking each other, and breaking windows and spraying stuff in people’s faces.

“Whoa, slow down there son,” daddy said, “That appears to me to be just a normal tourist visit.”

“But I don’t remember breaking stuff and fighting when we toured the Capitol last year while on vacation,” the son said. “And the news says that more than 500 people have been arrested for violent things that happened there on Jan. 6.”

“Son, I don’t think you understand, it didn’t happen.”

“But dad, it says they are still looking for 300 people, including 200 who hurt police officers.”

“Son, you need to quit watching the TV news and quit reading the newspaper; the news media is helping cover up the fact that the current president stole the election.”

“Do you mean President Biden didn’t really win?” the son asked.

“Now your getting it son,” daddy said.

“So now we can act like President Trump is president.”

“Exactly,” said daddy.

The son thought about it and smiled a mischievous smile.

“Hey dad, can we go to Disney World?”

“Why son?”

“Well, Donald ‘The Duck’ says the Disney park is full of foreigners. He says we need to protect Snow White.

“And Alabama Congressman Mo Brooks said it’s time for folks to come on down to Orlando town and kick some Goofy and Pluto ass.”

This is an opinion/humor column by Mike Oliver who writes about current events, music and his battle with Lewy body dementia at

Here’s a link to live riot video.