Stephen Stills –97

ALBUM: Stephen Stills (1970)

MVC Ratings: 4.0/ $$$$

How many other musical artists can say they had Jimi Hendrix and Eric Clapton play on their solo album?

Stephen Stills is one I can think of. In fact, the only one I can think of off the top of my head. Clapton and Hendrix played on different tracks, recorded at different times on this Stills’ album, so it wasn’t like they were physically in the same room at the same time.

But a nice score for Stills nonetheless.

Two good songs too. Hendrix plays lead guitar on ‘Old Times, Good Times.” (Hendrix fun fact: He played the guitar left-handed so he would flip a right-handed guitar and re-strung it for a lefty.)

Although known for his aerial string-bending assault on the boundaries of music, he was quite restrained here and also quite tasty.

Clapton plays lead on ‘Go Back Home,’ his Fender Stratocaster cutting through all the other instruments as he takes off on his precision runs.

And Stephen Stills is no third-stringer here, playing lead guitar throughout most of the rest of the album (and organ too).

Good solid album. The hit was ‘Love the One Your With.’

In his many iterations Stills has sold 35 million albums.