The Young Rascals — 20

ALBUM: Groovin’

MVC Rating: 4.0/$$$$

The third album by the American band was and is a winner, from its crazy cartoon cover to the poppy bluesy sound inside.

Now you may (or may not) remember I did a Rascals post; the Rascals was a later incarnation of the band. This is the Youngsters third album and hit No. 5 on the charts back in 1967,

The title song, ‘Groovin’ went to No. 1 in 1967 and has been an enduring classic. ‘Groovin’ on a Sunday afternoon,’ croons lead singer Felix Cavaliere. (Or is that ‘sunny afternoon? It could have been a sunny Sunday afternoon. As they would be more apt to be ‘groovin’ on a sunny day rather than one with rain. So the correct answer is Sunday afternoon, I replayed it and looked it up. We’ll assume it wasn’t raining since that might lead to a totally different song like ‘Who’ll Stop the Rain.’

Forgive me, I just like to think these things out!)

Eight of the 11 songs were released as singles from this album, according to Wikipedia. They would drop the ‘Young’ from their name as they began to get bigger or older or both.

Here’s my previous post of those just plain Rascals.