Daily Journal, Oct. 16, 2019

A rare, gentically ‘mutated,’ Yellow Cardinal was spotted in Florida. Experts have called the Cardinal wearing yellow feathers instead of its traditional red garb is a one-in-a-million.

This is still another clue. I believe in signs from nature and I was talking yellow cardinals in a column Saturday.

Here’s how I start. : This is an opinion column by Mike Oliver, who writes about life and music while living with Lewy body dementia. In memory of CMES, may she find her yellow bird.

These are all clues. To wake up to the news of another yellow bird sighting knocked me for a loop. As I had dedicated my column to a loved one lost — kind of like Casey Kasem used to do. Asking her if she found her yellow bird.

FILE photo. Yellow birds symbolize your one true love.