Puzzle? It’s my MVC Daily Journal, Oct. 18, 2019. (Got a clue? edition. )

My little puzzle appearing in my post on song lyrics Saturday is still unsolved — at least officially. Some people have indicated they now know the hidden theme. So, if you do klnow the answer, I say you need to either post it on comments on the lyrics story, Tweet it out (make sure I see Tweet), FaceBook it — or somehow get the word out what the secret theme is and how you found it hidden in my story.

ADDENDUM: There’s a 2nd level complexity to this that I don’t believe most will understand so I am asking for those who have uncovered the hidden message (1st layer), to let people know (or challenge them to find it.)

A curtain rises on someone thinking in concert.

As for the lyrics story itself, here’s some postscript suggestions from guitar man, Willie Moseley of Vintage Guitar Magazine.

 Last verse of “The Boxer” 

“In the clearing stands a boxer, and a fighter by his trade
And he carries the reminders f every glove that laid him down 

or cut him till he cried out in his anger and his shame
‘I am leaving, I am leaving’ but the fighter still remains”


Third verse of Billy Joel’s “Miami 2017”

“They sent a carrier up from Norfolk and picked the Yankees up for free

They said that Queens could stay, they blew the Bronx away

And sank Manhattan out at sea.”

(I recommend the live version of “Miami 2017” on Joel’s Songs in the Attic album)

2 Replies to “Puzzle? It’s my MVC Daily Journal, Oct. 18, 2019. (Got a clue? edition. )”

  1. John, your email address is no longer in my computer! Just to mention something on prices. Here in Fort Worth & Dallas we have chain called Half Price Books, which buys and sell used music in all formats. When my father-in-law passed a few years ago, he left 30 or so vintage country albums form the ’70s & 80s. I took them to HPB, figuring to maybe get 30 bucks or so. They were Ray Price/Marty Robbins type stuff. Alas, the offer was $4.95. They’ll have just about every album you’ve mentioned, for about ten bucks or so. Plan to follow you to the end, if I’m still here. ~ Bruce

    1. Hey Bruce, I didn’t realize who this was from at first. I see you got a lot of good comments on YouTube.
      What’s the latest?

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